Interior Design 2018-12-22T21:32:28+00:00

Interior Design

Working with charcoal in this stylish contemporary kitchen

Bringing together lime-washed wood, greys, greens and linens for this vintage table

Bringing in a contemporary style of painting in Aubusson blue to a neutral scheme

A Romanesque look for an Italian wine bar

Soft greys for a feminine bedroom

Blending in painted pieces, woollens and flowers

A rustic Georgian kitchen

A contemporary colourful kitchen

Soft neutrals for a feminine bedroom

Travertine and raw wood

Fresh, classical neutrals for this bedroom

Greys, tickings and whites

Grecian colours for this stylish breakfast room

Using contrasting colours and making the most of light and space

Picking up the blues of antique glass in this contemporary conservatory

A peaceful bedroom in raw woods and beiges
Pink, greys and mango wood
Adding mustard yellows to neutral grey
Keeping things classical with neutrals and gilt
Accenting neutrals with yellow & blue
Bold images and raw wood highlighted with pink